Frequently Asked Questions
You will often see words like AMRAP (as many reps (sometimes rounds) as possible) and EMOM (every minute on the minute) followed by a number. AMRAP10 means a workout that will have you working continuously to accumulate repetitions for 10 minutes. An EMOMx12 intends for you to complete the prescribed work within each minute for 12 rounds. E3MOMx6 means you will complete the prescribed work within 3 minutes for 6 rounds.
More abbreviations:CF = CrossFit
Rx = prescribed workout (completed as written)
Sx = prescribed scaled version of the workout (completed as written)
NFT = not for time
SU = single under (jump rope passes under your body once in a single jump)
DU = double under (jump rope passes under your body twice in a single jump)
DB = dumbbell
KB = kettlebell
C2B = chest to bar
TTB = toes to bar
C&J = clean and jerk
HSPU = handstand push-up
PR = personal record -
In a nutshell, members may only work out during a scheduled class or open gym and when an L1 instructor is present. During regular scheduled classes, all members will do the same workout (with modifications for all who need them). On Saturdays, however, we have open gym from 8:00-10:00 a.m. for anyone who wants to work on a specific skill or try out that Hero WOD that looks like a good challenge.
First of all, there is risk of injury in any exercise routine and althetic endeavor. CrossFit Gratitude coaches will help you modify your workouts to be successful even with an injury. One of the worst things you can do is to stop moving. Continuing going to the gym when you are injured (depending on the injury, of course) is encouraged so you keep your routine and to continue being supported by your gym community. (Did we mention that community is kind of a big deal around here?) :)
Nope! The scores on the board are not posted to create shame or fear. Posted scores are motivational for some and a good starting point for others. If you would rather not have your score posted, just tell the coach "check" and that's that. Your score should never take away from any hard work you put into being the best version of yourself. If you showed up and did your best, that's really all that matters.
Excuse Busters
Age has no limitation in the box.
Community has no age range. Bottom line, it doesn't matter how old you are- you will be cheered on by members simply because you decided to get your shoes on and show up.
We have a kids room!
Our 10'x12' cozy and fun kids room keeps littles contained during the workout. Disney+, Magnatiles, Duplos, cars, and toys are always available. One of the best things about our kids room is that kids can be seen from anyplace in the gym. That also means that they are able to see what dedication and hard work looks like. :)
My, my, my! You're in luck! We just happen to have a shower for YOU! Bring your towel and toiletry items and get ready to wash away the sweat from the awesome workout you just did.
This is why you need US!
Our coaches are excellent at modifying workouts for all levels of fitness. In fact, the vast majority of our members modify workouts to fit their needs. It's just silly not to. Our goal for you is to leave wishing you had done more instead of wishing you hadn't over done it. Baby steps will lead you to success much faster than long jumps with the wrong sized sneakers. How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
Without vulnerability, there can not be change; without change and effort, there cannot be growth. Most everyone has experienced this at some point as well. We know you can do hard things! Plus, no one else really cares to stare at you anyway. They're too busy counting their own reps and focusing on surviving the workout.
Not yet! CrossFit is known for having a strong community. Don't believe me? Check this out.
Dustin likes to say: "Come for the workout. Stay for the people." And he is so right. And, if you visit CFG and decide that our gym just is not right for you, that's okay! At least you can say you gave it a try.
However, we hope you do find your community somewhere else.
Great! We'll teach you! There are countless videos and articles that can help also. Just ask us and we'll point you in the right direction.
Just beware- the CrossFit rabbit hole is
deep... -
And it doesn't have to be. No one will be forced to compete, but do keep in mind that competing does not mean you have to be the best of the best.
Let me explain: CrossFit competitions are held throughout the year and are programmed based on ability. Most competitions have a scaled division for beginners, intermediate division, and an Rx division for more advanced athletes.
There is also a yearly competition only for beginners called Festivus Games.
One last thing on competitions: CrossFit holds an event called the Open which is held every March. This is a world-wide competition, showing the rankings of everyone who participates. It is also a great opportunity to watch your own growth through your CrossFit journey!
Many people think that the main way to lose weight is to exercise more. While exercise and movement in general is fantastic and necessary, the most successful way to lose weight is in the kitchen. CFG can help point you in the right direction with nutrition and goal setting as well as getting your body moving.
Paying a monthly CrossFit membership sure beats the skyrocketing costs of geriatric care, ongoing medications, and the nursing home bills for the last who-knows-how-many years of your life. A bit dramatic? Maybe. Maybe not. Here's what we know- when a person stops working their body then their body stops working. Read more here about how we feel about membership prices…