
  • $125/month

    Three month prepay: $115/month

    Twelve month prepay: $105/month

  • First Responders $99
    Nurses $99
    Military Personnel $99
    Educators and School Support Staff $99
    Students (age 14+) $99
    CrossFit Juniors (6th-8th grade) $99
    CrossFit Kids (2nd - 5th grade) $49

  • First person pays $125, all other family members pay $75/month

    (cannot combine multiple discounts)

Our school of thought on CrossFit membership prices:

Paying a monthly CrossFit membership sure beats the skyrocketing costs of geriatric care, ongoing medications, and the nursing home bills for the last who-knows-how-many years of your life. A bit dramatic? Maybe. Maybe not. Here's what we know- when a person stops working their body then their body stops working.

You want to be able to walk up and down the stairs when you're older, right? Then come on in and do some box step overs or box jumps.

Do you dream about carrying around your kids and grandkids? Kettlebell swings are just for you.

Want to be able to pick up the laundry basket IN YOUR OWN HOME when you're 80 years old? Deadlifts and squats are calling your name.

Are you afraid of falling when you're older and not being able to get up easily? It's time to do some burpees.

The money, time, and sweat that you invest into your health now will absolutely affect your health in the future. CrossFit is functional fitness through and through.